American Lawyer Ranks Kasowitz among the 2022 Top Law Firms for Pro Bono

Kasowitz Benson Torres has again been ranked as one of the top law firms in the United States for pro bono work by The American Lawyer in its 2022 Pro Bono Scorecard of Am Law 200 firms. The scorecard for 2021 ranks the firm at 64th overall, up from 67th in the previous year, and 50th in average pro bono hours. Kasowitz’s award-winning pro bono program is led by partner David J. Abrams, Chair of the firm’s Pro Bono Committee, and counsel Teresa Matushaj, Deputy Chair.
View The American Lawyer’s Pro Bono Scorecard listing (subscription required).
Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP recognizes the importance of, and is committed to, providing pro bono services to disadvantaged individuals and organizations unable to afford quality legal representation. We encourage our attorneys at all levels to handle pro bono and other public service matters in areas in which they are interested. Learn more about Kasowitz’s Pro Bono Program.