Cindy Caranella Kelly and Sarah Gibbs Leivick Co-Author “Safeguarding Your Company: Obtaining Recovery for Antitrust Violations” in Corporate Counsel

Kasowitz partners Cindy Caranella Kelly and Sarah Gibbs Leivick have co-authored “Safeguarding Your Company: Obtaining Recovery for Antitrust Violations,” published in Corporate Counsel. In this article, the authors discuss how to effectively recover damages sustained as a result of antitrust violations. The article also explores alternatives to litigation, and ways in which outside counsel can assist general counsel in maximizing recovery and minimizing disruption to the impacted company.
Read the article in its entirety.
This article is a follow-up to Ms. Kelly and Ms. Leivick’s first article, “Safeguarding Your Company: Preventing and Detecting Antitrust Violations.” To read the first article in its entirety, please click here.
Cindy Caranella Kelly is Co-Managing Partner, Administration, at Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP. Her practice focuses on complex civil litigation in all areas of the law, including cases involving state and federal antitrust laws. Sarah Gibbs Leivick, a litigation partner at Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP, has extensive experience prosecuting the antitrust and securities claims of large public companies in multi-district litigations and before international arbitration tribunals. Both Ms. Kelly and Ms. Leivick have represented plaintiffs in antitrust actions resulting in substantial recoveries for their clients.