Kelly Frawley Co-Author “Understanding the Basics of Child Custody”

Kasowitz matrimonial and family law partner Kelly A. Frawley co-authored “Understanding the Basics of Child Custody,” published by Divorce Magazine. The article provides guidance on custody arrangements and describes how careful planning and mindful co-parenting can provide a secure and comforting environment for children. In the article, Ms. Frawley discusses custody arrangements available to divorcing couples, the distinction between physical and legal child custody, the influence of child custody on child support, and court intervention in custody disputes.
Read the Divorce Magazine article.
Kelly A. Frawley is a leading matrimonial and family law practitioner, regularly handling complex financial and custodial matters involving divorce, distribution of marital and separate property assets, custody, parenting time, child and spousal support, paternity and other areas of family and matrimonial practice.